bp pulse Omega product plans

We’ve created a range of Omega plans to suit different fleet needs – regardless of where you are in your electrification journey.

5 Myths about electric vehicles: Busted

Electric car charging at a station

Learning more about electric vehicles, the benefits, and how they might serve your specific needs for transportation is critical to feeling comfortable making the switch.

Your guide to electric vehicle charging

No matter where you are or how you prefer to charge up, there’s a solution that suits your needs. In choosing the right solution, or combination of solutions, it’s important to consider your lifestyle and get a sense of your personal preference.

STN Expo 2023

This year, the STN Expo will cover the topics and conversations that make a difference in the transportation industry. Attending the STN Expo gives you access to the very best in school bus safety and student transportation training, peer-to-peer networking and the most innovative products, and technology companies, all under one roof.

Four steps to build a successful EV grant application

woman types on calculator and computer, completing application

To make the most of this windfall, your fleet will have to invest resources into securing funds and approach the application process strategically. Here’s how to set your organization up for fundraising success.