Your fleet
Your site
Your chargers
Your estimate
Infrastructure Estimator
Estimate your EV charging infrastructure procurement and installation costs
What type of vehicles will you need to charge?

Cars with total gross weight of 2 tons or less when loaded fully.

Commerical motor vehicle with a total gross weight of 3.5 tons or less.

Large rigid vehicles with two or three axles with a total gross weight of 3.5 tons or more.

Public service vehicles and work buses with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tons or more.

Commercial or passenger shuttle vehicle with a total gross weight of 3.5 tons or less.

School bus with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tons or more.
How many electric vehicles are part of your fleet?
Select your charger type from our recommendations

Ultra-fast, best in class Tesla charger. Best used where vehicles require rapid charging. Charger output of 250 kW 250Kw.
Can charge 1 vehicle at a time

Best used for light duty passenger vehicles or school bus applications with overnight charging.
Can charge 1 vehicle at a time

Best used for transit, school bus, and shuttle services.
Can charge 1 vehicle at a time

Offers flexible charging for all vehicle types.
Can charge 2 vehicles at a time

Best used for vehicles with large batteries or where vehicles require rapid charging. Can be configured to be a single 350 kW charger.
Can charge 2 vehicles at a time. Note: This charger can be configured to have 1 dispensers that charges a vehicle at 350kW

Offers flexible charging for all vehicle types.
Can charge 3 vehicles at a time

Best used where no fixed installation required and portability of charges is critical to the fleet.
Can charge 1 vehicle at a time

Can you perform construction on your property?

Our site allows for alterations and consturction such as trenching and concreete work. This is typical of owned properties.

Our site does not permit alterations or constrcution. This is often typical of leased properties.
Where will the chargers be located?

The chargers will be installed outdoors in an area such as a parking lot, depot, etc.

The chargers will be installed a facility such as a garage, depot, or maintenance facility.
Note: Our Inrush containerized charging solution can only be installed in outdoor locations
How would you like to install your infrastructure?

Permanent solutions are perfect for operations that reside on owned property and do not have intentions on moving the charging depot. Constrcution will be required on the site.

Non-permanent installion options include mobile charging, above-ground cable raceways, and other solutions that limit impact to the installation property. Limited to no construction is necessary.

I want to use the non-permanent Inrush containerized charging solution.
How far will the chargers be from your electrical service?

The chargers will be installed less than 30 feet from your electrical service.

The chargers will be installed more than 31 feet from your electrical service.
Calculating your estimate for
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We estimate your charging deployment will cost between
This estimate represents a potential cost range for the procurement and installation of the selected EV charging infrastructure at your site and is not a contractable. Estimate is for a site located in the United States. Omitted costs include site design, utility work, permitting, incentives, software, and more. Based on your location you may be eligible for subsidies and grants that could reduce costs. The estimate assumes the site has existing electrical capacity to support EV charging. You can review your selections below.
Connect with us to discuss your estimate
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