bp pulse and Uber team up on driver charging as EV momentum builds

bp pulse announced today plans to establish the bp pulse Gigahub network, a series of large, EV fast-charging hubs designed to serve ride-hail and taxi fleets near U.S. airports and high-demand locations across the nation. The first planned location would be built near Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in collaboration with Hertz and is partially funded by a grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC).

On the road to bring ‘Omega’ to Federal fleets with FedRAMP designation

bp pulse FEDRAMP desgination

FedRAMP is a government-wide program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services. The program is designed to help federal agencies assess and authorize cloud computing products and services that meet their security needs.

AMPLY Power is now bp pulse

bp pulse launches bp pulse brand in the Americas and have set our sights on bringing our EV fleet solutions to global markets.